Check any news site!
EDIT: Specialist Morlock is not dead, and I doubt he will be any time soon. But you get the point. And I believe the exact number is 70, not 39. It probably changes depending on the specific theological variant in question.
hmm, so lets look at common sense with some researched facts.
Osama bin laden was a terrorist who fought against the russians in afganistan. He received extensive CIA training along with weaponry to fight the Russians. George Bush Sr. was the head of the CIA terrorism training division in the CIA at the time, and this post is what led to his becoming the CIA director.
There is no record of Osama Bin Laden taking claim of the sept 11th terrorist attacks, just hearsay from news media(people believe hearsay everyday, it doesn't mean it is relevant). The common picture of "bin laden is dead" that circulated in newspapers was proven to be a fake, it was Photoshopped. This picture has now been "recalled"(if that is even possible....), the media believed that their use of Photoshop would naturally fool everyone.
Osama Bin laden is a member of the Bin laden family, an incredibly rich family that has close business and personal ties to the Bush family.
Bin laden is the "patsy" or "fall guy" of the possible scheme, whatever it is. Some details naturally will never be known, as evidence of such things is most often destroyed. It is standard political and CIA practice that when operating in illegal ways to have a perfect fall guy to take the blame, and to destroy evidence or to make a plan where evidence is not possible.
Bush's little known younger brother works as a security guard at the world trade center, another suspicious connection. It doesn't take a CIA analyst to understand that there is an uncanny collection of unsettling facts that are judiciously swept under the rug to avoid any inconvenience.
The president of Iran has proof that bin laden has been dead for years. Will this "proof", if it does exist ever be discussed in the US media? NO. Why, because that would cast doubt on the possible lie that has been perpetrated for years. If people think they are being lied to they might use the INTERNET to find out what is wrong. The internet might show them some interesting information, and people might start to believe the government is a bunch of crooks. If the government is a bunch of crooks, then why don't we kick them out of office and make lobbying illegal, and change the way laws are being made. Obama can't bring change, only we the people can change anything in this country. Obama just maintains the status quo.
If the media was really providing you the truth, they would ask tough questions and actually try to find answers instead of being fed information from the associated press.
Media is a magic show, the magician shows you one thing while he hides what is really going on.
This should be called what it is, propaganda. Propagate as much as you can, wherever you can. The bigger the lie, the more you propagate it. People will believe it because most people are easily swayed by authority. Refer to the Milgram experiment in the 1960's.
I agree sareth but how would "We the people" even begin to throw out a government of criminals and write new laws. It's all talk and no action.
"The nation with each passing year resembles even more a very large Third World nation. Empty foreclosed homes, empty shopping malls, millions of jobless, discouraged business formation, nationalized failed firms, vanishing Middle Class, trillion$ federal deficits, monetized debt, reduced liberties, selective elite law enforcement, syndicate stronghold, huge prison population, controlled press networks, distrust of leaders, aggressive military, these are the characteristics that most people agree are unsavory." End of U.S. Dollar Global Reserve Currency
BEIJING -- China called for the creation of a new currency to eventually replace the dollar as the world's standard, proposing a sweeping overhaul of global finance that reflects developing nations' growing unhappiness with the U.S. role in the world economy. China takes Aim at Dollar
I have issue with your common sense with some researched facts. The presentation is very dodgy and I can't really tell if you actually believe that shit or if you're just making fun of it... No matter.
While it is very likely true Bin Laden didn't personally take claim to the 9/11 attacks, he did claim the previous attempts, and the organization that he was linked to and claimed to be the head of did take claim for the events. Guilty by association? Absolutely, but when you are in charge of a group of people and something happens, ultimately you are responsible for the actions of your people. With his history, loosely pieced together evidence is all that's really needed if I'm reading the conspiracy propaganda correctly.
Just because one family is close to another, doesn't mean there are individuals that always see eye to eye and agree on everything. It does not mean that the actions of one family member should reflect poorly on the whole of a completely separate family, just because they associated with each other.
As for the picture, anyone who has memory that is better then a goldfish should remember that the news media, at the time it was first broadcast that he was dead, was also reporting that the Navy was refusing to release info, details, and pictures of everything that happened. Common sense would be to believe that pictures shown a day or two later are obviously fakes and should not reflect poorly on those in charge who had, since the very first second, said they were not releasing that stuff. One using common sense should understand that these are not things that would get leaked to the press EVER because of the sensitivity around them. They will ALWAYS be under lock and key. We will NEVER see them.
Why does everything have to be a conspiracy by the government? These conspiracy theories and links to families and businesses and everything have been getting thrown around for a decade. You want the truth? Here is the truth. The USA is not a very popular country. There are people out there that hate us, period. There are people out there willing to kill you and me and everyone else, simply because we are from the US of A, the leader of the free world, the symbol of Democracy, the Great Western Power, the only current Super Power in the world. That is the absolute truth. There are thousands of reasons why we are hated, but they don't matter. We are hated. Truth. That is all that matters. Common sense is understanding that truth and realizing that it is okay to question the government and explore these ideas of conspiracy, but to propagate them with facts that are twisted is not the right thing to do. Common sense would be to understand that facts can be made to say whatever you need them to say.
It also doesn't take a CIA analyst to understand that some of these 'Facts' were researched on the internet and are total bullshit. The truth, if you care to really know it: Bush's brother did work for one company providing some security at times, but never in the capacity that would have anything to do with anybody, and definitely not as a security guard. This company was not and never was in charge of security EVER. How do we know this? It's simple really. The WTC provided it's own security since it was owned by the Port Authority. Port Authority was always in charge of security and always used it's own people as the guards. The head of that security, John O'Niell, died in the attack. Do you conspiracy nuts really think the President's brother would be a lowly security guard? At a public place of all places? Are you fucking kidding me? How stupid do you have to be to even remotely believe that? These are Ivy League educated people who's father was President at one time... There's just no god damned way that situation would ever happen, period. Any security company who had the President's brother working for them, the son of a former President, would put them on their executive board and use them to get contracts and jobs... Not, go stand over there for 8 hours a day and tell people to pick up their trash and act like a storm trooper saying "Move along." Use some common sense when thinking about that 'Fact'... Yeah, security guard is not a fact at all. It's a flat out lie.
After the 1993 bombing, NYC's Port Authority decided to beef up their protection and hired the company that Bush's brother worked for to design and install the electronic security. That's not guard duty. Why does that matter and how do conspiracy theorists make the connection from electronic alarm installers to flying planes into buildings is beyond my level of comprehension obviously because I think it's just stupid as all hell. And the truth is, Bush's brother ceased working for the company as of June 2000 and purely became a major shareholder of it's stocks, and that company only provided technical support upon the completion of their work as of 1998 as would any and all electronic security system companies. Papers filed with the SEC confirm this if you want to investigate the real truth on your own from a place that isn't riddled with theories and twisted facts and lies.
Ever consider the remote possibility that he's lying? He is a human being after all. The USA is hated in that region by the vast majority...
Because everything on the internet is 100% factual. Really? How about using some of that common sense again. Nobody needs the internet to know that the government is a bunch of crooks, to decide that, all you need to do is look at their salary and benefits package and compare them to your own.
I actually 100% agree with that, but as the Constitution was by design made to be flexible, yet difficult to change, we the people need to start voting for people who worked for a living rather then those that are career politicians or groomed for those positions by their families, and return to the ideals that being a politician is something you do in your later and wiser years in life, that you do out of love for your country, not for a paycheck or it's status. But since those people don't exist, or those that do, never run, we're kind of shit out of luck in that department.
Again, I 100% agree. The associated press (as is nearly all media) is extremely pro liberal. Certain groups, like Fox News, for example, are very pro conservative. Most of the general public lashes out at them rather then doing what the intelligent people do and watch the shows with interest. It's a one sided perspective, but at least, unlike the liberal media outlets, gives the opposition the chance to make a case. Using common sense... There's that funny phrase again... One would combine the information gathered by that media outlet as well as others, and combine them to form a well educated opinion of an issue. Anyone who I hear bashing Fox News or any other pro conservative outlet, I instantly write off as a moron because they're clearly not interested in hearing the whole story or hearing an alternative perspective. Do the smart thing and gather as much information from as many different sources and from as many sides of the issues as possible.
Amen brother. I again, 100% agree.
Oh, and by the way, let's not forget that Col. Oliver North back in 1989 during a congressional hearing stated that Bin Laden scared the hell out of him and if he had his way, he'd have an assassination squad sent in to take him out before he had a chance to do anything like this to us. Senator Al Gore laughed at him and mocked him. So if I were trying to spin some facts here to my own ends, I guess I could make this out to be that Al Gore was actually a Bin Laden supporter and protector long before Bush ever was... I mean, it was Gore that refused to let that hit squad do it's thing. So Al Gore is the one ultimately responsible for the 9/11 attack as well as the 1993 bombing when he was, wait for it, Vice President. OMG, WTF!!!!111!!!! Wrap your brain around that one conspiracy nuts.
Here is Clinton "FBI and CIA has no proof bin ladin 911"
"Usama Bin Laden is wanted in connection with the August 7, 1998, bombings of the United States Embassies in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, and Nairobi, Kenya. These attacks killed over 200 people. In addition, Bin Laden is a suspect in other terrorist attacks throughout the world."
Some people will swallow anything without proof. Not me, show me evidence of his involvement and evidence that shows he was killed on that day.
The bin Laden family may be friendly to the Bush family, but Osama bin Laden was so far removed from the family, that to say Osama himself was in any way in collusion with the Bushes is just absurd.
Indeed, the media is so pro-liberal that it is down right ridiculous, at least conservative media lets both sides speak, not that I believe everything anyone says without some proof.
Thank you, Stant123, just one more reason for me to hate Al Gore.
Well, I knew it was inevitable that the crazies would take over. At least we got a good, thoughtful discuiion in first....
The family calls Osama Bin laden a black sheep. The bin ladens also have a private face, their true face, which they naturally keep from the public eye. Family ties are strong ties. Guilty by association applies in this case, you cannot blame Osama Bin Laden of guilt by association and exonerate the bush/bin laden family in the same breath.
And why is this? I used to have a top secret clearance, and I know what stuff is labelled top secret. From my own personal experience, anything that makes the military, government, or interested private citizens look bad, or is incriminating is now being considered "top secret". If you can keep that sort of data from reaching the press, then you would too, to preserve your place. The amount of classified documents since the 1990's has risen from 9 million (or thereabouts) to about 56 million today. Does it seem like the government is keeping secrets? Your own common sense will say yes to this, it is quite obvious. Wiki leaks is a great example of what is being kept secret, but not the only one.
Yes people hate the US, and if you understood details of our "diplomacy" and foreign policy, you would realize that there is a very good reason to hate the US. Our way of doing business is despicable. We prance around from country to country like we own the world, and extort governments to do our wishes. I believe the overall foreign policy decisions were intentional, to destroy relations. Why? So that the US can be invaded in the future. The US currently has 270 million ish guns in the population, and because of this we actually enjoy a small amount of freedom. Every measure will be taken to disarm the US, to make the world hate the US. For what purpose? redistribution of wealth. Someone out there is jealous of our lifestyle and they want it for themselves. I believe Barack Obama works for these people. The most oppressive regime in history is trying to take hold of the world.
Also the US is NOT a symbol of democracy. It is a symbol of a republic. The differences are simple, in democracy 51% majority makes the laws, in a republic 51% majority makes a bill, and this bill then needs to be compared to the constitution before it can become a law. Sadly this ideal no longer occurs, and congress has been making unconstitutional laws for years. The beauty of the constitution is that constitutional law is simple. What is on the constitution is constitutional law. Study it, understand the definitions, and anyone can know the law. Also, understand how the definitions have changed. Noah Websters' 1828 dictionary is the first codification of US legal definitions (back when legal definitions were the same as real everyday words...).
Hmm have you ever worked in the security business? In all reality the most likely infiltrator would come from a person who understands this industry, and someone who has ties to the bush family. Yes all the evidence is circumstantial, but then so is the evidence "proving" the other side of the story. Obviously he wasn't a mall cop type guard, that makes no sense, you can pick my words apart, but the impression I was making was that he worked for a security company. I don't know what he did, I wasn't there, like most people. If he installed electronic security devices in the buildings, he could have just as easily installed something else and lied. He doesn't naturally have to do it himself, he is rich and can hire people out. As a major stockholder he calls the shots, so him "becoming" a stockholder really doesn't lessen his authority, it just lessens his connection with the incident of 9/11. This is a prudent move, and something to be expected of a politically well educated man.
I do know that the tower ownership changed relatively soon before the attacks, and that an incredible insurance policy was taken out on them, with a legally iron clad part about terrorism that wasn't part of a standard deal that insurance company normally makes.
Even on my old navy base, we had civilian sub contractors on site manning defenses, even though we had a healthy compliment of marines. When in doubt, subcontract it out! The main benefit of subcontracting out labor is that the contractor has an extra layer of liability protection, as a lawyer would have to penetrate not only one companies corporate liability protection, but two (or more).
Also, an Ivy league education doesn't mean you are infallible, it just means that other people think you are infallible. Case and Point being, your view on Ivy League education.
On another note, why have all the videos of ground floor explosions in the world trade center been bought by the FBI? Perhaps if people had that data to analyze they might reach conclusions that are different. What about building 7? What about Rudy Guliani's political career? He has been quietly swept under the rug since he was recorded giving notice ahead of the events of a large demolition that was going to take place in new york. He was caught fucking his mistress with a front row seat, he knew his ass was going to be canned, but he didn't care. Politicians don't get sacked because they do bad things with their mistresses. The existing theory not only has major plot holes in it, but the evidence doesn't stack up. No plane that hit the pentagon. There was not enough energy in the entire system of events to vaporize even ONE of the planes engines, yet all 4 were vaporized. In such a powerful explosion, bodies were found, even a paper passport? I guess all the explosive energy knew exactly where to go, obviously don't burn the paper or the bodies! Plot holes, plot holes, plot holes.
Have you ever considered the US has been lying to the American people with their propaganda? You did admit your view that the media is propaganda after all.
Don't put words into my mouth. If you read carefully I never admit that I believe the internet is 100% fact, using words such as "might", "start", and "believe". As you can see my doubts of the validity of the internet are written in my statement, you just need to critically read them. Despite all your complaining about how stupid I am, you still agree with me on this point. Why did you waste our time with this rambling?
Your statement is extremely untrue. My neighbor was a California congressman, and I had the pleasure of gaining an accurate political education from him, something no Ivy League education can do. Good people do run for office, they do try to change things. The problem is that they have only two decisions when they make their desires known to their fellow congressmen. They can either continue their work for change and get stonewalled and have all their bills die off and become a blacklisted member and serve only one term, or they can get with the program and support the party and play the game. This is how these congressional "freshmen" get treated, and this is the single biggest cultural problem in Washington.
Also, as a side note, its not really okay to personally attack a person, its okay to attack an idea. You discredit yourself in thinking that by attacking me and labeling me as whatever you wish you can create a justification for your argument. Using the conspiracy thoery buzzword is a cheap trick, meant to fool a lot of ignorant people. read more history everyone, most ambitious men and woman who come to power do so through a "conspiracy". Conspiracies have ALWAYS been commonplace, don't you know history? To say there are no conspiracies in the modern world is to say that we have all ascended into heaven and become angels. I'm sorry, but the human condition, with all of our human problems, remain.
Remember, attack ideas, not people.
Scoutdogreply 52Well, I knew it was inevitable that the crazies would take over. At least we got a good, thoughtful discuiion in first....
So 1 in 5 Americans are "Crazies"? ROFL, glad I don't live there. "thoughtful discuiion" LOL again. Quote me some of this thoughtful discuiion. The above poster is probably the most thoughtful of the lot no matter what you believe.
(Split in two because it won't post)
Edit: actually, I do get what you were saying now. Two separate things. Policies to disarm, policies to make them hate.
Yes, very thoughtful. Good arguments.
I would take that a step further and say it's a duty. Let's water board Bush, Obama and Chaney, seems a legal way to get the truth. Like I said before, I will never ever ever believe a politician unless I have there balls hooked to the power grid. Thats not torture though, just persuasive.
Hahahahaha. I don't know if it's the lack of sleep talking, but that's damned funny.
Covered my entire arm in jellied ethanol once. It was pretty uncomfortable, but I didn't lose any arm hair. No water either (not that it would matter as the stuff floats).
And I've gotten to see an elevator crash. Although it can be controlled, the one I saw blew out everything in the lobby. Not a window survived. Metal contraction alone is a big issue. The differences can be dramatic. I had to boil a combat knife once to get it out of an old, metal scabbard, that's how bad it can get just with time to sit there.
Exactly. Time to move on before they question the existence of the universe.