Why do we have new ones now? Kryo?
Amazing. For once I agree with GE.
While the changes made today are overall an improvement the smilies are a definite deprovement. What, are we now all in the Hannah Montana demographic? Actually that's probably a bit too old for this set of smilies that seem more suitable for a 3 year old.
However in the grand scheme of things I can think of more pressing issues than a juvenile set of smilies. How about getting our medals back under IE7?
Actually if the forum is now going to support formated text entry then you should also provide a "Paste Special" command where the pasted text can be considered unformatted and so takes on the default forum format instead of the format from wherever it was copied from.
The smilies were the winner of a contest we had months ago over on WC for a new emoticon set... it's just taken this long to implement them.
I give these smiles out of how ever I'd like to suggest that this site needsto have it's theme change one that can match TA
Well now the medals are gone in FF3 also
Holy Crap! The Smilie list got a lot bigger
They're so cute, they make me gag.
This is the Anime Generation Mumble, if you hate these smileys than use the crappy old ones.
These are what want make me gag
Are you serious?
Never a shortage of crap to complain about...
He does need to make them absmiddle though, that's for sure.
Let the old people have their smileys. BTW did you make the new smiley set.
LOL, perfect use.
I collaborated on the project, yes.
Are they supposed to be animated? Some of them seemed to look like they are in half-animated pose or something. This is on the GC2 forum btw
Two of the emotes are animated (shifty and rolleyes). Andrew said only static png, but we made those for personal use and I guess he decided to throw them in anyway (which is quite cool). (edit: the cylon one is animated too)
Trying to make static emoticons look convincing without being animated was tricky, but I think they turned out well.
(blah mine looks so crappy at 24x24)
Gah can't edit, just noticed he added the cylon one too, awesome!