Whats goes on everyday, Stardock Forums, life, and all
Published on April 22, 2010 By GeneralEtrius In Everything Else

As you may have heard, part of South Park's newest episode has been censored because it talks about the Prophet Muhammed and shows him in a bear suit, joking about the fact that Muhammed can't be shown in a picture. Now Muslim groups are making threats to South Park creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone, and Comedy Central caved in and censored part of the episode.

Reading the story just pissed me off. Political Correctness (also known as double standards) has run amok. Why can Muslim extremists hold signs that say "Death to America", or "Butcher all Jews", but people can't show a picture of Muhammad or criticize Islam? It's ridculous. Ever since 9/11 the Muslim World has been pushing the West around with their intolerant beliefs.

South Park aired an episode in July 2001 that showed Muhammed uncensored, and no one really made a huge deal out of it. Plus, the newest episode shows things that people would find much more offense, like Jesus watching porn and the Hindu god sniffing cocaine. Muhammed just stands around in a freaking bear costume. Comedy Central censored the show for millions because of the demands of a certain group of people that could have just not watched the show.

Ridiculous. Hope South Park moves to a channel that is less PC (Politically Correct).

Comments (Page 2)
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on Apr 23, 2010

TBH:  I can already see this being shut down by Kryo for being overly religious or discriminatory or blah lah lah sometime soon, so just a note of caution; keep it clean.

Xer0 \^/

on Apr 23, 2010

Apology accepted Xer07, although not needed . Black hawk dose have a valid point, religion is a personal choice for all and should not disrupt society as a whole..to each his own as the saying goes..

Besides this a forum for a game that has been one of the best so far..so lets get back to that and leave the politicians and over hyped media enterprises to dilute our minds we don't need to do it to each other in our spare time  . Live and let live.

on Apr 23, 2010

I can't believe these people weren't arrested.  They threatened the lives of Trey and Matt which is ASSAULT which is an arrestable offense.  It doesn't matter if he said it wasn't one afterwards.  Thats like a bankrobber robbing a bank and then afterward say it wasn't a robbery so we let him go.

on Apr 23, 2010

Is saying "I'm going to kill you" actually assault?

Not as far as I know.

Not that I'm defending them, personally, I o not believe in any type of cencorship whatsoever.  You don't like something, deal with it.  (Though to be air, I'm a borderline anarchist so take what i have to say with both eyes open)

-Twilight Storm | My life for the Dahkri

on Apr 23, 2010

Is saying "I'm going to kill you" actually assault?

No, it's considered a terrorist threat.



on Apr 23, 2010

Is saying "I'm going to kill you" actually assault?

It can be.  The person making the threat would have to be able to carry it out and the person receiving it would have to believe that harm is a an immediate probability.


an intentional act by one person that creates an apprehension in another of an imminent harmful or offensive contact.

Of course, spouting off from a distance can't reasonably cause a person to believe that they're in immediate danger, so this case probably wouldn't meet the requirements.  Had the aggressor been in the presence of the victim, it would have almost certainly been an assault.

on Apr 23, 2010

Lurking in the background here is the cultural belief that deep down everyone knows that all religions are the same. This is a Western presumption of relatively recent vintage. Not everyone accepts that belief, neither here in the Useless Arse of A and certainly not in the rest of the world. Nor will they necessarily do so in the future.

There really is nothing sacred about Western cultural beliefs or opinions. They are, after all, nothing but little electronic patterns swirling in our brains. They have no substantial reality.

Somewhere or another whether it is right or wrong gets pushed out on stage. But right and wrong are also nothing but little electronic patterns swirling in our brains. Different electronic patterns swirl in other people's brains and there is nothing we can do about it.

on Apr 23, 2010

The Muslim group warned that Trey Parker and Matt Stone would face "violent retribution", and printed the address of their California studio for Muslims to see. Even if they don't do it themselves, they can still arrested for providing the address. I think that falls under the category of "conspiracy to commit murder".

As for the other major discussion, Christianity is definetely not a poster child of good religion. Christians have commited many, many horrible acts, ranging from the Inquisition to stealing the land of American Indians and kidnapping their children to be sent to "Chrisitian Schools", where they were horribly treated. All this in the name of God. Some people also include the Holocaust, but Hitler really wasn't a Christian by the time he was in power. He actually called a "religion of weakness".

Let's sum it up in three words. Organized religion sucks.

on Apr 23, 2010


on Apr 23, 2010

Some people also include the Holocaust, but Hitler really wasn't a Christian by the time he was in power. He actually called a "religion of weakness".

Hitler liked Islam for its blind obedience feature.

One of the minds behind the Holocaust was a Muslim friend of Hitler's, the "Grand Mufti" of Jerusalem, uncle and mentor of Yasser "Arafat".

And no, I am not joking.


on Apr 23, 2010

Lurking in the background here is the cultural belief that deep down everyone knows that all religions are the same. This is a Western presumption of relatively recent vintage. Not everyone accepts that belief, neither here in the Useless Arse of A and certainly not in the rest of the world. Nor will they necessarily do so in the future.



on Apr 23, 2010

 the Useless Arse of A

Ulcered Sphincter of Asserica. That is all.

on Apr 23, 2010

Huh? South Park is censored, and people are complaining?


on Apr 23, 2010

olocaust, but Hitler really wasn't a Christian by the time he was in power.

Then why did the Catholic church help the nazis escape to south america?

Let's sum it up in three words. Organized religion sucks.

I agree. They were created to use peoples faith and fear in their particular god to give leaders power. Keep the sabbath at home.

on Apr 23, 2010

Hitler liked Islam for its blind obedience feature.

One of the minds behind the Holocaust was a Muslim friend of Hitler's, the "Grand Mufti" of Jerusalem, uncle and mentor of Yasser "Arafat".

And no, I am not joking.

I read about that. Not only did Hitler create the Holocaust, he essentially started the Muslim-Jewish conflict. Before WWII, Muslims generally put up with Jews.

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