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Published on August 24, 2010 By GeneralEtrius In Everything Else

What is the best software that can block pop ups, as well as ads that appear on the sides of webpages? They add a lot of load time to some pages. Plus some ads have stuff I really don't want to look at.

on Aug 24, 2010

no script for firefox.

on Aug 24, 2010

Already got Ab Block plus. Works like a charm.

on Aug 24, 2010

Most browsers can block pop-ups, you just have to enable the feature.

As to the side ads, nothing much you can do since they are a part of the page.

on Aug 24, 2010

no script for firefox.


on Aug 24, 2010


As to the side ads, nothing much you can do since they are a part of the page.

incorrect.  NoScript blocks these.