Whats goes on everyday, Stardock Forums, life, and all
Published on September 7, 2009 By GeneralEtrius In Politics

This is a list of reasons why America is disliked in the world. I'm not trying to be overly political; I'm just making a point. That said, don't over react or start a flame war. And to those that think I'm singling out the U.S., just look at the title. If I put whats wrong with the world and then talk about the U.S. then your argument would justfied.

21 Reasons Why the World Hates America


1.       We’re a big country.

2.       We eat too much food and are the fattest country in the world.

3.       We pollute the world.

4.       We drive the biggest cars (which pollute).

5.       Our society is torn between conservatism and liberalism, with people refusing to change society even though it needs to in order to keep up with the world.

6.       We guzzle oil.

7.       We prop up dictatorships that do things that go against American morals.

8.       Our government does things that go against American morals.

9.       We’re a snotty, rude, and stuck up society that thinks we’re better than everyone else.

10.   We have foreign policy that still thinks that we are in the Cold War

11.   We act like we are still a superpower.

12.   We tell other countries what to do, using our military to back it.

13.   We put restrictions on things, such as weed and the drinking limit, which drives people to break those laws. We then refuse to change these restrictions, even though it would lower crime.

14.   We are a crime ridden society, with some of the worst violence and breaking of laws in any developed country.

15.   Things that seem natural, such as love and sex, are made taboo subjects by idiotic parents.

16.   When something bad happens, Americans overreact to the extreme, making something that was a 5 on a scale of 1 to 10 look like a 20.

17.   Many people are racist and stereotype people.

18.   We claim to be and open a welcoming country, where in reality, we routinely deport people and make society hostile to newcomers.

19.   We are a Christian majority country (a reason the Muslim world hates us)

20.   We support Israel and attack terrorist groups (ditto)

21.   We elected George W. Bush and his administration. ‘Nuff said.

This is kind of a joke people. Lighten up.


Comments (Page 6)
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on Sep 09, 2009

10. All American cars are hereby banned. They are crap and this is for your own good. When we show you German cars, you will understand what we mean.

Wow. I have a 1998 Chevy Lumina, and it has nearly 170,000 miles on it.

It has been the most reliable car I have ever owned - especially including imports, which have been many. At the last smog check the tech said that it had the emissions of a car with around 80,000 miles. I guess it all depends on how well you take care of what you have. (instead of trashing something which you don't want for more than a couple years)

All cars have problems (including the over-rated German brands). But American cars have a much larger user base (worldwide, by the way!) - which means cheaper replacement parts to keep them running properly for longer.

How long my Lumina will last is anybody's guess. I had a Volvo that lasted longer, but not for much. But to say that American cars are crap...? Not so! I have spent more repairing the import crap, than I have ever spent repairing American.



"20. An internal revenue agent (i.e. tax collector) from Her Majesty’s Government will be with you shortly to ensure the acquisition of all monies due, backdated to 1776."

Good luck with that. And much of your post is just as likely.


on Sep 09, 2009

Moosetek13, and I don't say this lightly, your response to John Cleese's "Letter to America" is easily the most anyone has ever missed any point in the history of the planet Earth. Attempting to "defeat" satirical writing through logical argument defeats any argument you can put forth on sheer lack of understanding one has to have in order to present an argument against comedic writing.

Please write a report on why the events contained within the film "Animal House" are not only unlikely to ever occurn and thus strain credibility, but also disturbing display of the rampent over sexulisation of society and how we often make light of serious issues - as displayed through the infamous "Window Peeping" scene.

on Sep 09, 2009


Do you know that you have no understanding of that which you speak? Your spelling and syntax could be better, as well.

on Sep 09, 2009

I'd forgotten "Letter to America". It's somehow just as funny as the first time I read it.

My personal favorite American joke is still our brief mention in "A Modest Proposal", though.

on Sep 09, 2009

That letter is great, but, why would we want to rule a third world country like the US?

on Sep 09, 2009

I dunno... Aren't you guys just sorta collectors?

on Sep 09, 2009

Haha, well technically they had America, and Australia, at one point

on Sep 09, 2009

Ha ha! Loved the John Cleese piece (although UK doesn't exactly have high standards in their elected leaders as well). Evil British sarcasm .


The original list was so so The only one close to funny was #21.

And it would've been better as #1. We elected George W Bush...twice.




on Sep 09, 2009

 #30 - People who don't get satire. 

on Sep 13, 2009

Travel much? Because it seems not.

Too much worry about what the rest of the world thinks. Nobody from another country is lifting a finger to make your life better, yet the US does send financial aid to other nations (you would be surprised who receives the US taxpayers money). When the US becomes a third world country you can get in line with your hand out and see who fills it first. Pity most of the worlds memory fail when the cash stops. Ask yourself this: If the world hates the US so much why do they try to emulate us? If we are so fat, why do they build McDonald's and KFC's? Going abroad nowadays is almost like staying home. When the rest of the world has given the US what the US has given the rest of the world in 236 short years come talk to me, until then, please. Don't fall for the liberal claptrap that we need to be more like the rest of the world. We have to look to ourselves for our own destiny. People came here (and are still coming) to get away from the rest of the world, who in there right mind wants the rest of the world here.

on Sep 20, 2009

if i could dissent on #13, please. i know you said it was kind of a joke, but it just doesn't hold at all. we could legalize weed to lower the crime rate, yes. we could also legalize rape, murder, theft, and other things to lower the crime rate. however, i don't believe many are going to get on THAT bandwagon.


perhaps someone can sit back and say "hey, weed isn't so bad." and who knows? maybe it isn't. maybe that person can do weed, and it's all cool, and they can function. but laws are in place because (hopefully) a group of people got together and said "hey, we need a way to keep a large society going." part of that is making penalties for behaviour that tends to be distructive towards society. cue rape, muder, theft. as i said, not many are going to dispute those. but the line gets drawn somewhere, and it's not going to but up against those kinds of criminal activites. it's going to be farther out, in the gray area, where some might say "that shouldn't be illegal." a group of people, or a person, a comittee, whatever, they looked at weed and other recreational drugs and said "this doesn't help society. a large number of people who use it become unproductive leeches." so they made it illegal. that's my view on the subject. i won't write one any more points, because each one deserves a response longer than a one-liner. this response itself maybe be a little on the skinny side.


P.S. Saying "This is kind of a joke people. Lighten up." is usually code for "Here's what I think, but people are going to flame, so I'll pretend it was a joke. Then when they start flaming, I'll tell them to get off it, it was a joke."


P.P.S. This is kind of a joke people. Lighten up.

on Sep 20, 2009


Essentially the argument that you are making is, "because weed is illegal, it should be illegal."

Who can argue with that reasoning? 

on Sep 21, 2009

Question: Is there any way for an American to answer this and not:

a) Be called an idiot in some form or fashion because you disagree with the list?


Be called an idiot in some form or fashion because you agree with the list?

Apparently, either I'm in denial or my country sucks. Either way, I guess the world hates me.

Basically, this list is nothing but a logical fallacy known as "poisoning the well."

Another fallacy being commited is personification of "the world," as if somehow every human being in all foreign countries hates us. There's also an element of the bandwagon fallacy (the world hates us, therefore we are wrong) in it.

So - I don't think a reasonable person should take that list seriously. He said it's kinda a joke anyways.


If I could worship the ground you walked on, I would for a half hour!



Well said, well thought out, well replied.


I don't sign in to these forums often, nor do I often leave comments in these forums, but this was deserving of both a quotation and +1 Karma.


Well done!

on Sep 27, 2009

@ Abe Cubbage

read entire post before reply please.

a group of people, or a person, a comittee, whatever, they looked at weed and other recreational drugs and said "this doesn't help society. a large number of people who use it become unproductive leeches." so they made it illegal.

on Sep 27, 2009

Can I point out the fact that Russia, too, is a big country? Although, not as big as it used to be, before us evil, hated Americans caused the collapse of the USSR. This was an even bigger country, yet was, in the General's world, apparently loved and cuddled by all.

Reagan's policies toppled the USSR; the world was then portrayed as hating us for it, by a libera media which really did hate us for it, because they, as leftists, saw the USSR as the last refuge of the Future: collectivist government. Nevermind that it was a hellish nightmare of endless bureaucratic, economic, cultural and political tyranny.

Liberal-minded people like the General actually believed--or chose to believe--the media pabulum. And still do.

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