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That idiotic, game hating, son of a b*tch is at it again! Old Jack tried to get a bill passed that would severely punish retailers for selling M-rated games to minors.

The governer of Utah vetoed to bill, using the same reason that has killed Jack's attempts to destroy gaming in the past: the freaking First Amendment. Old Jack just doesn't learn. What really annoys me is this guy's nerve. He got disbarred as a lawyer in Florida, and now he's in Utah. Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't a disbarrment effective nationwide? If so, this guy is breaking the law by continuing to practice law.

What do you guys think?

Comments (Page 3)
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on Mar 30, 2009

You want the government enforcing what are currently voluntary ratings on content?


Now arriving at a fascist dictatorship, please wait for the country to come to a complete stop before leaving your seat.

on Mar 31, 2009


I thought he already had enough:









There are several media influance thoeries, Jack Thompson appeals to the most conservitive Hyperdermic Theory made by the nazi's to explain the sucess of their propaganda machine. Basically it states that whatever the message may be that the media is sending to it's aduiences, it will have exactally the intended result. Of course this is contradicted by the Rienforment, Open Text, Minorties and 10's of other thoeries made since then, none of them have been proven. I learnt that in year 12....

Tells you something about Jack Thompson... doesn't it?  

Time to get out into the fight agian... oh man... this'll be like the US taking down Luxumberg


on Apr 02, 2009


Quoting Szadowsz, reply 6I hate Jack Thompson too, but, well the retailers shouldn't be selling 18 game to minors

I don't see why not. Of the 5 or so "mature" rated games I have, there is really nothing any more mature about them than any of my other games. Most of them get rated "mature" due to having "dirty" language, "drug use," as well as blood and gore. As far as language goes, I challenge you to walk around a high school. I can gaurentee you will hear much worse than anything you may hear in a game. By drug use, they usually mean the medkits which are injectables rather than abstract medkit shaped. Blood and gore really isn't a mature topic either. I am sure everyone has seen what we look like on the inside on House MD, ER, CSI, or just about any other TV show relating to medical or criminal fields. Most mature games are suitable for just about anyone who is at least around 12-13 years old, just as the shows depicting these various elements are.

If 18s/whatever age rating they shouldn't be selling it to people below that age it doesn't matter about any of that, however if the parents want to let their kid buy the game/buy the game for them there should be nothing stopping them. They have a better idea of what their kid can handle, than any retailer and know what would freak the child out/be inappropriate for them


that is of course assuming your parents aren't vicious control freaks

on Apr 17, 2009

GW Swicord

Quoting psychoak, reply 13It's irrelevant how graphic the games are.  If I wanted to go buy hardcore porn when I was twelve, it was none of the government's business.  My parents were the ones responsible for my limitations, not a store clerk.  But, in the great nanny state of America...
I wish I could remember enough about an old Bill Maher rant about afternoon talks shows and 'security moms' to find a YouTube clip. It was something about our national delusion that we could somehow make everything safe. I'm old enough to remember when pools at apartment complexes had diving boards...



To be honest, Ben Franklin has said his fair share of ignorant absurdities in his time.  Being an intellectual responsible for, among other things, getting France to fight the same country they'd been fighting with since 1066 (that'd be England, for you ignorant savages out there...) hardly is reason to grant him demigod status (HA Stardock plug...)


If we go by what he says then someone going around yelling "fire!" in crowded buildings should be just fine and dandy, seeing as he is just excersizing his freedoms.  Pretty sure that would be considered "disturbing the peace", damn those Nazi Nanny government peoples and their oppression!!


Oh Reductio Ad Absurdum, you make even the most reasonable arguments sound retarded...

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