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Advantages and Disadvantages
Published on February 2, 2009 By GeneralEtrius In Everything Else

Well, there's always debates whether PC's or consoles are better. I've put together a comparison list, so you can decide for yourselves.

PC Advantages:

  • Can have better graphics than any current console. (PC's are the reason consoles exist)
  • Much more powerful. (Core i7 and 8 gigs of DDR3 RAM, anyone?)
  • Is the best at many game genres, like FPS, RTS, and of course, MMO.
  • Can do a lot more than just play games.
  • Customizable, and very upgradeable.
  • Has some great exclusive games.
  • Can mod games.
  • Online is mostly free.
  • Can be portable (laptops).
  • Mouse and keyboard controls are often superior to gamepads.
  • Easy for developers to patch games.
  • Digital distribution!
  • Games often have very deep gameplay and keep you occupied longer.


Console Advantages:

  • Very popular.
  • A LOT of games.
  • Have a lot of exclusive games of their own.
  • No worries about hardware requirements.
  • Cheap(er)
  • You aren't confined to your deak.
  • Party games! (Rock Band!)


PC Disadvantages:

  • Can be VERY expensive.
  • Technology gets outdated fairly quickly.
  • The big one: Piracy and DRM.
  • PC versions of most big games are almost always delayed, and often the PC version is poor quality.
  • Viruses and Spyware.
  • Can have hardware problems (Like melting your CPU from Overclocking to 4.0 GHz)


Console Disadvantages:

  • Hardware problems (Red Ring of Death)
  • Games cost more.
  • Game genres sometimes don't go well on consoles (RTS, for example).
  • You can't do as much stuff as you could on a PC.
  •  A lot more crap games come out on consoles, such as the stuff on the Wii.
  • Online services can cost money (Xbox Live).
  • Can't upgrade the hardware. You have to wait several years for the next generation to come out.
  • Games are often short and sometimes forgettable.

I like PC, but that's my opinion. With all this info, which do you like better?

Comments (Page 5)
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on Feb 11, 2009

I can't believe you people! Saying that PC's are better than consoless! J/K.   I love PC's. I personally think that PC's are awesome, because almost all the best games (read RTS games) are PC only. Which is why I am so mad that Microsoft is making Halo Wars 360 only. What were they thinking!? Anyway, PC>Console like Cake>Pie.



on Feb 11, 2009

I can't believe you people! Saying that PC's are better than consoless! J/K.   I love PC's. I personally think that PC's are awesome, because almost all the best games (read RTS games) are PC only. Which is why I am so mad that Microsoft is making Halo Wars 360 only. What were they thinking!? Anyway, PC>Console like Cake>Pie.



No worries samurye. It is bound to be a crappy game since it is impossible to accurately and quickly control tons of units with a joystick anyway. Look at the classics of RTS, such as Starcraft. Pro Starcraft gamers click something on the order of 200 times a minute. Using a joystick, I would be suprised if it is even possible get above 60 due to the slow scrolling speed.

on Feb 11, 2009

I used to be a huge pc gamer but quite frankly, I play my xbox 360 100x more--I just like hopping into a mindless shootem-up with some pals and playing away.

on Feb 11, 2009

Interesting... While looking for news on L4D updates, I found a link to an old article about TF2 DLC. Valve intended to make it free for all users (PC and XBOX), but M$ forced them to charge for it on Xbox, since M$ gets a cut of stuff distributed on XBL.

on Feb 11, 2009

Ill have fun with both a true  gamer has no bias

on Feb 11, 2009

Ill have fun with both a true gamer has no bias

Both PC's and consoles are fine. This is just to show the advantages they have over each other.

on Feb 11, 2009

"A lot more crap games come out on consoles, such as the stuff on the Wii."

Yeah, Nintendo really needs to get thier act together on quality control; all the gimmicky games were the reason I got so tired of my Wii.

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