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Another X.....
Published on April 6, 2008 By GeneralEtrius In Off-Topic

This has been on the web for a while now, but Egosoft is working on the sequel to 2005's X3: Reunion.

For those of you who don't know, X3 is a space simulator, set in a far off section of the galaxy connected by jump gates. There are a ton of things to do in this game, and the graphics (even though they were in 2005) are better then most of today's games. I got the game last summer, and have been hooked ever since. A teaser video is availible in the download section at http://www.egosoft.com. It looks awesome!   

Let me know what you think!


Comments (Page 2)
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on Apr 16, 2008
i don't even know where to get an original copy of X1, i had to download a copy from torrents. If anyone can tell me where i can find a mint copy, i would love to get my hands on it. Of course, i want the expansion too.

Check out Ebay, maybe Amazon. The original game and the expansion come in a pack called X: Gold, so look for that.

For the X Fans: Want to fly the X-Perimental Shuttle in X3? Download LV's Cheat scripts, which are avalible at the Egosoft Forums.
on Apr 16, 2008
on Apr 16, 2008

No problem. So, are you looking forward to Terran Conflict???  
on Apr 17, 2008
yes i am. but truthfully, i enjoy the game, but i don't play it well. I never understood how the trade system work. It says you have to know what the supply demand for a system is. But then, for me, the most fun part of any X game is flying around and doing sight seeing.
on Apr 17, 2008
yes i am. but truthfully, i enjoy the game, but i don't play it well. I never understood how the trade system work. It says you have to know what the supply demand for a system is. But then, for me, the most fun part of any X game is flying around and doing sight seeing.

I find manual trading easy with a trading system extension and advanced satillites. You just buy products from the station that sells them for the lowest price, and then sell it to stations who really need the product you have. For buying stations, manangement is a pain in the butt. In the unmodified game, there is no automation. You have to keep ordering your ships around. However, the bonus pack adds some station management tools, making it easier. Solar Power Plants can be virtual money factories if you initialize a script that removes the need for crystals. Its availible at WWW Link.

As for sightseeing: If you have a bad computer, something that can only run X3 with settings on "low", there isn't much to see. The graphics then look like a budget game's graphics. Graphics made in 2005. It definitely removes some of the immersion.

These are just my thoughts.

on Apr 17, 2008
thanks for the link. I have geforce 7300, dual core, 2.5 gigs of ram. It runs X3 okay. No graphical glitches, but occasional glitches. I want to finish X1, not the expansion at least to see what happened at the beginning of the story. Manual trading in X2 was a pain in a ways, i never knwo where to get those automation and price tracking softwares.
on Apr 18, 2008
X2 -

Trade extension -
Everywhere (equip docks)

MK3 trade-
terracorp, Teladi equipment docks

Best Buy/Sell-
Teladi Equip docks

BPH (Now called advance trade commands - automates frieghters attached to a station) -
Boron Equip docks

Note - In X2 the most profitable fatory ususally is the SPP (In X3 i beleive it is the distillery). For manual trading, you'll make the most money trading in Silicon.
on Apr 18, 2008
oh okay thanks. What is the most profitable for trading in X3.
on Apr 18, 2008
What is the most profitable for trading in X3

For starters, I'd do runs with energy. Buy energy cells from the XL Power Planet in Ore Belt. Sell it to a mine that is out. In my game, there aren't many energy traders around, but each game differs slightly.

You might also want to sell energy to stations in Argon Prime. Better yet, start an energy factory with the script provided with the above link. I've found that it is a cash cow. I also sell Wheat in Home of Light. Another rewarding station. Be warned about that script, though. They charge you in-game credits to use it.

About the Distillery: You'll need Power and Wheat. Power is easilly supllied at Ore Belt, where a pirate base is. Wheat you can build a station for. I'd then take the three stations, and build a complex near the Ore Belt Pirate Base. You'll eliminate the need for a ton of transports, save the one you might want to sell to the Pirate Station. Pirates LOVE Space Fuel! Make sure to activate the Crystal Free SPP script before you build the complex, otherwise it wont work.

Hope this helps. Check out the others scripts at that website. They add a ton of gameplay.

on Apr 19, 2008
on Apr 20, 2008

Dont mention it. If Terran Conflict has online multiplayer, see you there!  

on Jun 28, 2008
Holy crap. It's been over almost four months, and Egosoft hasn't given ANY details on Terran Conflict. Jeez...

Well, there may be a reason. Back in the days of X2, Egosoft said that they were making an expansion to X2, like Terran Conflict is an expansion to X3. But then Egosoft decided to go ahead and make X3. Maybe Egosoft has decided to make X4...  
on Jul 29, 2008
New news, to anyone who is reading this.

A ton of new screens have just been released. They look amazing.

One good thing, the UI is overhauled!  
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